White Flora |
Lilies |
Lovely Lavander |
Yellow Beauty |
Broadway Florist is a close by own florist in Moore, OK. Owner Scherry Johnson deliver flora of finer quality and value. Broadway Florist is identified for its incomparable customer service!
Need flowers for a unique event? We have a huge assortment of household and import floral for delivery, so we can create convention arrangements to suit your needs. Call us to send same-day funeral planning. We present a large selection of full- and half-casket designs, standing spray preparations and cemetery tribute. We also design exclusive special occasion preparations for weddings, corporate meeting, secret parties, showers and dinners. You can also rely on us to make exceptional clean floral wreath, holiday displays or floral decoration anytime.
We deliver a wide range of live flowering and non-flowering plants and lovely container gardens. These pleasant gifts will brighten up a corner or even an entire room! Our flowering plants are delivering in full blossom year-round, and all live plants are guaranteed to be strong upon delivery.
Fresh flora in Moore is always just a phone call away. Call us locally at (405) 793-8889 during our usual business hours to place your order.
Broadway Florist
328 N. Broadway St
Moore, OK, US 73160
Local: (405) 793-8889
Fax: (405) 793-1531
Email: wecare@mooreflorist.com